
Effective Goal Setting System Step #5 (Pt. 5 of 5)

Thrive Professionals:

Goals written down on paper?  *Check*                  
Expectations of goals set? *Check*
Deadline set for goals? *Check*
Are the goals visual? *Check*

Hang in there, this is the last step of the Goal Setting System.  You are now ready to implement these goals in your life.  You mean I have to do something else after all of this work?  Yes, it is time to execute these goals so that 6 months from now you are on a road of accomplishments.  The biggest mistake most people make is the lack of execution.

In the Spa Salon industry we work with lots of VIP's (Very Important People).  I mean we layout the red carpet when a VIP comes into our business.  We make sure that we deliver on our promise and ensure them a flawless experience.  

Let me ask you a question.  Why do we hesitate to use this same concept when it comes to our own personal lives.  We have this one life to live and many of us don't have a plan for it.

This has to STOP!  It's time for you to establish your own personal V.I.P of the day.  Introducing Goal Setting System Step #5 "Establish Your V.I.P of the Day," Valuable Important Priority (V.I.P).  Ask yourself, what can I do today that will be valuable and most important to reaching my goals?  Think about it for a moment.  If this was the only V.I.P you accomplished today, would it move you closer to your goals?  If the answer is yes, then this is V.I.P worthy.

Just like you give your VIP's at the Spa Salon uninterrupted time to service.  Treat your Valuable Important Priority (V.I.P) the same way.  Turn off the cell phone, facebook and the e-mail to focus on your very own V.I.P of the day.  You can consider this your hour of power action time.  This step is the accelerator to achieving your goals.  It is going to take your actions to make this work.  We all know the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."  

If you need a kick start in the coming year, I encourage you to start now and put this goal setting system to the test.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein    

These five steps are important and they work together and not by themselves.  Don't be ordinary, be extraordinary and TAKE ACTION NOW!

Thriving Together,



Effective Goal Setting System Step #4 (Pt. 4 of 5)

Thrive Professionals:

You are now ready for Step #4!  

In 2007, I learned a very important lesson from a colleague.  I was struggling with trying to stay focused on my goals that year.  Our Spa was 18 months old and we had big goals that we were trying to meet that year.  My colleague stopped by my office one day and explained to me that the best way to stay focused on what you want to achieve is to write it down and make it visual.  Write it down, I said.  I have them all written down right here, I explained.  She said ok, but you have forgotten one important step.  You have to Make it Visual.  I just looked at her with a puzzled face.  

Then she went to explain this idea of a "Vision Board".  I listened to the details and then immediately went to work on my Vision Board.  That year ended up being the best year in sales and profit for the Spa.  The Vision Board kept me focused and it also reminded me daily of my goals and where I was heading.

Now it is time for you to make your goals visual.

Goal Setting Step #4 is Make it Visual.  You will need foam/poster board, new/old magazines, glue, and scissors.  The idea is to find as many pictures possible that resonate with you and your goals.  Place these pictures like a collage on your board.  It is important that you find more pictures than words.  We are very visual so pictures will speak louder to you than words.  Once you finish filling the board with pictures, now you are ready to place the board in a space that you will see everyday.  This should be one of the first pictures you see in the morning and the last you see at night.  

As time passes you will begin to see your goals realized.  Nothing will happen overnight, but taking a few moments everyday to reflect on your Vision Board will result in positive outcomes.

So go now and get started on this step and make your goals visual.

Thriving Together,



Effective Goal Setting System Step #3 (Pt. 3 of 5)

Thrive Professionals:

Congratulations!  You are on a roll, we are ready to review step #3 in the Goal Setting System.  

Do you remember the goals you set for your business last year? Do you remember how excited you were when you planned those goals?  Well, how did you do?  Did you achieve success in all the goals you set out for your business?  Did your plan work out?  If not, what exactly changed the progress of meeting the goals?  How did you get off track?  Why did you get off track?

The biggest mistake most spa salon owners make when setting goals is not "Meeting the Deadline" that was set.  Some people think it is ok to keep moving the deadline.  Your goals should never be a moving target.  George T. Doran says that goals are S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely).  There is no mention here that goals are flexible.  I believe a goal should be set and you work hard to achieve it by staying focused.  

So step #3 in the Goal Setting System is "Meet the Deadline".  If you don't have a target end date, when exactly do you plan to reach the goal?  You will never achieve success if you continue to carry goals over to the next year, then the next year and so on.  In order to "WIN" in business you must have specific dates on WHEN you plan to meet the goal.  

Example with Step #3: We are decreasing our overall expenses in the operation by managing professional product usage from $2500 to $2000 per month by July 31, 2012.

Notice in this example that I restructured the goal statement.  In order for you to achieve success with this goal you have to make an emotional connection to the target.  You discovered that connection during step #1.  You figured out the "what" of your business which led you to the "why".  That is the reason your goal statement should start with "WE" and it should read as a positive action that is currently happening.  Never create a goal statement with a want, "We want to decrease....".  You must reinforce what you are going to do "We are decreasing..."

"To succeed, we must first believe that we can."
Michael Korda

The second biggest mistake most spa salon owners make is not getting your team involved in the goal setting process.  This system will not work effectively without teamwork.  So stop thinking that you can move your business in a positive direction without getting your staff involved.  They are your business.  You would be surprised how much support and buy- in you can get from them if you only "ask" and collaborate with them during these important discussions.  The team has to take ownership on what you are desiring to achieve.  If you do not have the team buy-in on the goals then you will have a hard time achieving success.  

Share with them your desires from step #1 Determine the Ultimate Goal, then you can work together as a team to figure out where you are now to where you want to go, which is step #2 Set the Expectation.  As a team make a commitment on what is realistic for step #3 Meeting the Deadline.   

Steps #4 and #5 will describe how you will keep this goal no matter what!  So keep an eye out for my next posting.  

Thriving Together,


P.S. If you want to get ahead and learn the remaining steps NOW, go to and register as a Thrive Professional.  Once I receive your registration, I will send you a MP3 audio recording of this entire Goal Setting System. 


Effective Goal Setting System Step #2 (Pt. 2 of 5)

Thrive Professionals:

You've set the foundation with goal #1.  But you can't stop there.  You have to set up the road map and have an understanding of your starting and ending points.    

When you log onto, the first step in finding your directions is to key in your current destination.  After which  you are able to put in where you are going.  The map will populate with turn by turn directions.  This is how you should view your goals for your business.  Don't set another step forward until you know where you stand NOW and what is an attainable desired outcome for the business.

Step #2: Set the Expectation for the Goals

If you don't have clarity on where you are now then it will be difficult to determine where you want to go.  Taking the same example from step #1:

Example of Step #1: Over the next 12 months our Spa Salon will decrease the overall expenses of our operation by managing professional product usage.  

Ask yourself how much do I currently spend on professional products each month?  How much do I need to decrease in order to flow a better profit margin for my business?

Example with Step #2: Over the next 12 months our Spa Salon will decrease the overall expenses of our operation by managing professional product usage from $2500 to $2000 per month.

Make it crystal clear for you to understand.  You can use a % of total revenue to find your target goal.  Whichever works best for you.  

These simple steps are the start of the goal setting system.

Check out Step #3 in our next blog post.

Thriving Together,




Effective Goal Setting System Step #1 (Pt.1 of 5)

Thrive Professionals:

It is fourth quarter and only a few weeks away to the end of another year.  Have you taken some time away from your operation to work "ON" your business.  Are you going into the New Year with a plan?  Do you have a marketing strategy?  Do you have the staff?  Do you have the right product mix for your retail space?  Do you have education set up for your team?  Do you have education set up for yourself?

We are living in a new economy and we have no choice but to take a proactive approach to our business.   
Here is the first step to my Goal Setting System:  

Step #1: Determine the Ultimate Goal

Yes, I said the "ultimate" goal.  What are you working so hard to accomplish?  Why is this so imporant for you to achieve.  It is very difficult for goals to be obtained without an emotional connection.  Just think for a moment, anything you felt very strong in your heart about you achieved it.  This is because you believed it and just took action.  Well, this is no different in your business.  What are you feeling in your heart and why does that emotion exist?

Once your "ultimate" goal is determined, figure out what you can do over the next 12 months to achieve it.   Maybe your "ultimate" goal is to build a profit driven spa salon that provides you capital that renders the freedom of choices and support for your family.  Well, over the next 12 months what can you do different in your business that will move you toward this "ultimate" goal.

Example: Over the next 12 months our Spa Salon will decrease the overall expenses of our operation by managing professional product usage. 

This could be a goal for you in the coming year.  You will need at least 2-3 more goals to focus on during this time.  Do not try to come up with so many goals that by the time year end comes you have achieved none.  So, I challenge you to find 2-3 more goals that connect with your ultimate goal and you will have started the goal setting process.

I will disclose step #2 of my goal setting system soon, so stay tuned!

Thriving Together,



Are you looking for answers in all the wrong places?

Are you looking for answers in all the wrong places?  Are you waiting for the right time or right place to make a decision?  I have discovered that there is never a right time, if you don't take the time to listen to your inner voice.  All of your answers lie within!

Rather you are trying to make a big business decision or just deciding who to put on your Christmas list.  You have the answer lying within!  Some people call it the gut feeling, God or Spirit.  I call it God and believe that He is always speaking to us.  We have a choice rather to listen or ignore Him.  We should not debate the answers we receive, we should just act upon them.  Why do we find it so hard to take the first step once the answer is received?

I find the best time to listen is shortly after my meditation.  This is when I hear clear answers and directions.  It is important to quiet down all outside influences while listening to the inner voice.  These distractions can easily get you off track and sometimes confuse you.  Think about it for a moment, you are being guided through this life journey and we still choose to allow others to lead "our" journey.

Don't allow others to lead your journey.  Ask yourself the question and wait for the answer.  You must know that you will be guided in the right direction and will discover the path that is best for "your" life.  We only have one life to live.  Don't let time pass you by and unnecessary life obstacles get in the way.

Believe the answer is coming.  Receive the answer once it arises.  Know that it is good enough.  Act on it NOW!  

Thriving Together!


(Pt. 3) Spa, Salon, and Wellness Professionals Support the Community

Thrive Professionals:

We finally want to highlight our third non-profit organization "Thistle Farms".  What an amazing group of ladies who have learned to triumphed in spite of it all.  I had the opportunity to visit the manufacturing office of the Thistle Farmers.  This is a wonderful facility located on Charlotte Pike in Nashville, TN.  When I arrived we all set in a circle for their morning meditation.  At this time each lady responded to the reading/thought of the day.  They were able to reflect on what that reading meant to them or just share a personal thought for the day.  I was so moved and inspired by the words and testimonies of these ladies.  They even allowed all visitors and volunteers to participate and the only thought in my mind was "gratefulness".  I was so grateful to experience the meditation as well as grateful for the creation of the program.

After the morning meditation, I toured the facility and these women explained what their daily responsibilities were at the company.  I learned how they make the spa products to how they take orders.  It is a wonderful facility just filled with love.

The story of Thistle Farms begins with the Magdalene program.  Founded in 1997 by Becca Stevens, an Episcopal priest on Vanderbilt's campus, Magdalene is a residential program for women who have survived lives of violence, prostitution and addiction.  Thistle Farms is their social enterprise.  They provide 27 housing residents for these women.  After four months of this program, these women find work, return to school and/or enter Magdalene's job training program Thistle Farms.  The women who remain in recovery for two years post graduation become eligible for a new home buying program.  

I find this program well rounded for these ladies and prepares them for the rest of their life.  We as spa, salon, and wellness professionals can get involved and make a difference in their lives.  They wholesale this product to our industry and the proceeds go directly back into the program.  I am proud to say that Relache Spa at Gaylord Opryland is carrying Thistle Farms as a way to give back to this organization.

So come on board and join Relache Spa along with several other locations in helping these women start a new life.  For more information please contact their volunteer coordinator Stacye at or go to their website

Thriving Together!


(Pt. 2) Spa, Salon, and Wellness Professionals Support the Community

Thrive Professionals:

As a continuation of Monday's blog post.  I wanted to tell you more about another organization that is just being launched, TOUCH, Inc.

Touch, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides the healing gift of touch to non-professional caregivers of terminally and chronically ill family members. Touch was born from the personal experience of founder, Cheri Buttrey-Jenkins, after caring for her husband, Kenny Buttrey, during his battle with lung cancer. 

Non-professional caregivers have demands placed upon them that create high levels of stress, which take a toll physically, mentally and emotionally. Touch was established to help relieve some of this stress through the gift of a day at the spa, where caregivers receive touch therapy and other services.

This is another great organization that spas, salons, and wellness businesses can get involved.  TOUCH, Inc will be gifting their first recipient this month at Relache Spa.

If you are interested in rendering services or donating products to this organization, please contact Cheri Buttrey-Jenkins at or visit their website

Thriving Together!


Spa, Salon, and Wellness Professionals Support the Community!

Thrive Professionals:

Today we had the privilege to hear from three very powerful non-profits in the Middle Tennessee area.  The YWCA, TOUCH Inc., and Thistle Farms.  These representatives shared with us why their organizations exist today and some very disturbing statistics.  We have to do our part and "get involved" to make a difference.

Here is a highlight of YWCA

Their mission is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.

They are most known for their Domestic Violence Program.  But did you know that they offer a FREE GED program.  Did you know they had a program for youth girls called Girls, Inc.?  This program focuses on at-risk girls in five Metro Public Schools.

This is just a few things that the YWCA is doing in our Middle Tennessee area.  We can get involved by volunteering our time, skills, and talent to their many programs.  We can offer complimentary salon, spa, and/or wellness services to their staff and/or women in the program.  We can also donate new products and toiletries from their on-line wish list.

For further information or to volunteer, please contact Abby Sasser at

Don't wait, join in today on stopping Domestic Violence and Eliminating Racism!

Thriving Together!

Lessons from Dr. Bryan K. Williams

Thrive Professionals:

I hope your summer is off to a great start.  Recently we had the privilege to hear Dr. Bryan K. Williams the "Customer Service Expert" speak on Service SuperSTARS.

I wanted to recap some of my learnings as today's blog.

There are 6 Habits of a "Customer Service SuperSTAR".

Habit #1: How (and who) will I "WOW" today?
This was a good reminder, if you don't plan your day and the intentions of it you will will most likely not succeed.

Habit #2: Identify Customer Preferences
I took this thought as if you are not a good listener then you can easily miss what the customer really wants and needs.

Habit #3: Give Teammates Recognition
We tend to look over our own team.  This goes back to the golden rule.  Treat people the way you want to be treated.

Habit #4: Be an Ambassador
We are all in this together.  It is not an us vs. them amongst the company.  Speak positive at all times about your team and business.  Your passion will show through.

Habit #5: Personal Service Standards
I loved this thought from Dr. Williams.  What makes you particular different than anyone else?  What do you do consistently with our fail each day to ensure flawless customer service?

Habit #6: Complaint Ownership
Follow through is the key to success in customer service.  This stepped seems to be forgotten in most cases.  I believe it can make or break a business.

Overall, I was able to take away some key reminders as well as new thoughts on the difference between just customer service and truly how to be a customer service superSTAR.

Thanks Dr. Williams for sharing your time, experience, and talents with Nashville.

Thriving Together!


Just Networking to "Speed Networking"

I have just completed coordinating my second "Speed Networking" event over the past 60 days.  It was filled with eager business leaders ready to connect, high energy, and most of all lots of fun.  For those of you who have not experienced this format of networking let me paint a clear picture.

Step #1:  You show up ready and armed with your business "60-Second Commercial" and approximately 50 business cards.
Step #2:  Make sure you eat a healthy meal prior to your arrival to keep your energy levels up.
Step #3:  Arrive on-time and ready to mix/mingle among the crowd.  This is the time to fine tune your plan of action.

Now, once the casual networking ends after about 30 minutes the formal "Speed Networking" begins.  You will be selected as group "A" or group "B".  The "A's" will stay seated for this round and the "B's" will rotate.  There is approximately 2-3 minutes per round.  Both "A" and "B" will need to get their business commercial in during this time.

After the "B's" meet all 50 people on the "A" Team.  What I have found to be most effective is to group the A's in one large circle and group the B's in another large circle.  You will take turns and share your business commercial with your own group.  This is how you will meet all 50 people within the allotted time.    

By the time 2-hours go by it will feel more like 1-hour.     

So I encourage you to "think outside" the box and try "Speed Networking".  You will walk away with 50 new leads/customers.  It will be the best appointment you can make in 1 day.

Thriving Together


3 Strategies for Effective Networking

Network, Network, Network!  Everyone is talking about the importance of "networking".  Over the last several years I have attended many networking events, locally and nationally.  I am still finding people who attend these events, but are not understanding the networking concept.  It appears to be very uncomfortable to some business professionals.  Networking is an opportunity to build valuable relationships and in return will grow your business.  So, get your 60-second elevator pitch down and remember these 3 strategies for effective networking.

1)  Connect:  Have a goal when you attend a networking event.  How many connections would you like to make?  If there is someone specific, can you connect prior to the event via social media?  This way when you make the initial contact at the event it will be more comfortable.

2) Collaborate: Follow up, Follow up, Follow up!  This is the key to networking and the start of building  valuable relationships.  Send a "nice to meet you" e-mail or hand written card after the event.  Be sure to connect  via social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, Face Book).  Your goal is to keep the lines of communication open and when ready suggest to meet up for coffee or lunch.  During this meet up, take the time to get to know the individual first and then more about their business.  You will be able to share your business with them as well, but just don't lead into the meeting talking about yourself.

3) Care: People do business with those they like, know, and trust.  If you are consistent and show that you care about them personally.  In turn, you will gain the business.  The key to this strategy is to "listen".  Get creative and find a way to "wow" them.  For example, maybe they love chocolate.  Send them some of their favorite chocolate with a special note.  This will truly make their day!    

In these times it is more important than ever to build valuable relationships.  Write down these 3 strategies and watch your business THRIVE.

Thriving Together!


Welcome to THRIVE!

Welcome to the first blog for Thrive Professionals Network.  You have found the best resource for professionals in the Spa, Salon, and Wellness Industry. Our Network is filled with forward-thinking professionals who desire to collaborate on the best business practices, build valuable relationships, and give back to our community in a big way.

This blog will be dedicated to sharing the best business practices from our industry.  I encourage you to comment or “like” these blogs if it is applicable to your business.  Also, if you have not registered as a Thrive Professional, please do so.  It is a FREE value to anyone who desires to be connected with the spa, salon, and wellness industry. 

So check back every week for the latest updates and let’s Thrive together!