
Effective Goal Setting System Step #1 (Pt.1 of 5)

Thrive Professionals:

It is fourth quarter and only a few weeks away to the end of another year.  Have you taken some time away from your operation to work "ON" your business.  Are you going into the New Year with a plan?  Do you have a marketing strategy?  Do you have the staff?  Do you have the right product mix for your retail space?  Do you have education set up for your team?  Do you have education set up for yourself?

We are living in a new economy and we have no choice but to take a proactive approach to our business.   
Here is the first step to my Goal Setting System:  

Step #1: Determine the Ultimate Goal

Yes, I said the "ultimate" goal.  What are you working so hard to accomplish?  Why is this so imporant for you to achieve.  It is very difficult for goals to be obtained without an emotional connection.  Just think for a moment, anything you felt very strong in your heart about you achieved it.  This is because you believed it and just took action.  Well, this is no different in your business.  What are you feeling in your heart and why does that emotion exist?

Once your "ultimate" goal is determined, figure out what you can do over the next 12 months to achieve it.   Maybe your "ultimate" goal is to build a profit driven spa salon that provides you capital that renders the freedom of choices and support for your family.  Well, over the next 12 months what can you do different in your business that will move you toward this "ultimate" goal.

Example: Over the next 12 months our Spa Salon will decrease the overall expenses of our operation by managing professional product usage. 

This could be a goal for you in the coming year.  You will need at least 2-3 more goals to focus on during this time.  Do not try to come up with so many goals that by the time year end comes you have achieved none.  So, I challenge you to find 2-3 more goals that connect with your ultimate goal and you will have started the goal setting process.

I will disclose step #2 of my goal setting system soon, so stay tuned!

Thriving Together,


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